
We believe music is an emotional language that helps us write God's love and truth on our hearts. That's why we love to start our services every Sunday with a time of praise and worship. Our worship is a current, contemporary style of music to help everyone draw close to the Lord and experience a close, intimate time of communion with Him. 

CHILDren's ministry

In our Children's Ministry, we focus on making God's Word clear, relevant and powerful to your children. Students will be introduced to what it means to live by faith in the Word of God. They will also participate in Bible stories, games, and other activities. 

They can earn 'tokens' by bringing a friend, a Bible, and by memorizing a Bible verse from the previous week. Tokens can be used to purchase cool stuff from the kid's store. 

See you there!


With HIM all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

6-12th graders & awesome leaders meet Wednesdays from 6-8pm to hang out, have some fun, share snacks & learn more about our God & savior Jesus Christ. 

In the summer, we meet at homes or have other activities on Wednesdays. 

LadIEs' bible study

Living Word ladies get together every Saturday morning at 9am for a bagels, coffee, tea and, of course, a bible study. 

Men's Group

Living Word men get together once a month for a time of fellowship and faith building. 


Life Groups allow people to connect with other believers at Living Word. Groups meet in the comfort of a host's home. In this casual setting, you will study the Word and become a small family within the large family of believers. Often it is easier to request prayer in the smaller group setting and needs are met more efficiently. 

Click here to find a group leader and join a Life Group today!


Get your faith on track with this Sunday school class.